Shadow Work
Shadow work is about looking deeply at the parts of yourself that are uncomfortable or painful to acknowledge. By bringing these aspects into the light, you can heal old wounds, break negative patterns, and live a more authentic life.
Also remember you didn’t get this way over night so give yourself grace but it’s important to be honest.
Steps for Effective Shadow Work:
Create a Safe Space
Practice Radical Honesty
Identify and Name Your Shadows
Sit with Discomfort
Journal or Speak Affirmations
Reflect on Lessons Learned
Stay Accountable & Honest
Practice Self-Compassion
Seek Outside Support
Set Regular Check-Ins
Stay Open to Growth
Below are some questions to ask yourself :
What parts of yourself do you find difficult to accept?
Explore where this discomfort comes from. Is it rooted in childhood, past experiences, or social conditioning?
What emotions do you avoid or suppress?
Notice what feelings make you uncomfortable—anger, sadness, jealousy—and ask why you shy away from them.
Who triggers you and why?
Examine the people or situations that make you feel reactive. What aspect of yourself are they reflecting back to you?
What patterns keep repeating in your life?
Look for repeated challenges, relationships, or scenarios. What lesson are you refusing to learn?
Where do you blame others, and how might you be responsible?
Reflect on situations where you place blame. Where could you take accountability instead?
What do you feel ashamed or guilty about?
Investigate these feelings. Where do they stem from, and how can you forgive yourself?
What would you do if you weren’t afraid of judgment?
Think about what you desire but are too scared to pursue. How does fear of rejection hold you back?
How do you sabotage your own happiness or success?
Acknowledge where self-sabotage creeps in and why you allow it to derail your goals.
Who do you envy, and what qualities do they possess that you feel lacking in?
This will help you see what parts of yourself you’ve neglected or denied.
When have you compromised your values to fit in or please others?
Explore moments where you’ve acted out of alignment with your true self.
How Deep to Look:
Explore Triggers: Pay attention to anything that brings an intense emotional reaction. Ask yourself why you feel that way and what belief it stems from.
Revisit Childhood: Often, our shadow self develops in childhood. Examine old wounds or situations where you felt unseen, unloved, or invalidated. What defense mechanisms did you develop to cope?
Patterns of Behavior: Look for recurring patterns—things that frustrate or hurt you repeatedly. These patterns are often signals from the shadow that something unresolved is demanding attention.
Face the Darkness: There will be parts of the shadow that are uncomfortable or painful to confront, but these are the aspects that hold the most potential for transformation. It’s crucial to stay with the discomfort and allow yourself to process those feelings.
Want to go deeper? Purchase our 21 day shadow work workbook