Cord Cutting Master Class
Cord Cutting Master Class
Nov 20 - 7PM -45 Min Master Class (Zoom)
Price : $88.88
In this hands on session, we’ll discuss the practice of cord cutting, a powerful ritual for releasing attachments and reclaiming your personal power.
Here's what you can expect to learn:
🌟 Understanding Energy Cords: Discover what energetic cords are, how they form, and the impact they can have on your emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
🔮 Identifying When to Cut Cords: Learn how to recognize when a cord needs to be cut, whether it's tied to a person, place, habit, or situation that's no longer serving you.
🕯️ Tools & Ingredients: Get hands-on guidance on the tools and ingredients used in cord-cutting rituals, including how to select the right candle, herbs, and oils for your specific needs.
✂️ Step-by-Step Ritual Instructions: Master the cord-cutting process with clear, easy-to-follow steps, from preparation to the actual cutting and final closing of the ritual.
✨ Calling Back Your Power: Learn how to call back your energy and restore your personal power after a cord-cutting, ensuring that you are energetically whole and protected.
🧘 Integrating the Practice: Explore ways to integrate cord cutting into your spiritual routine and maintain the energetic boundaries you’ve set.